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Best Hair Skin Laser Clinic

Best Hair Skin Laser Clinic

If you are looking for one of the best hair skin and laser clinic in Patna then visit Advante. We have a team of great skin care, hair transplant and trichologists who take care of your skin and hair.

Our trichologist offers treatments like hair loss treatment, direct hair implantation, PRP treatment, beard transplantation, eyebrow transplantation, etc. We are here to assist every client with top-notch treatment. Advante Clinic is a one-stop solution for all skin and hair related issues.

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What Services We're Providing

Hair Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment Direct Hair Implantation PRP Treatment Meso Treatment Eyebrow Transplantation

Skin Treatment

Skin Rejuvenation Skin Lightening Skin Tightening Anti Ageing Treatment Botox and Fillers

Laser Treatment

Laser Hair Reduction Pigmentation Treatment Acne Scars Treatment Burn Marks Treatment Melasma Treatment

Why Choose Us?

Our Doctors

Patient Information

1.What exactly is a hair transplant and how does it address hair loss concerns?

Hair transplant surgery relocates hair to bald or thinning areas of the scalp, often sought by those who have tried other hair loss treatments. Healthcare providers extract grafts, small skin pieces containing healthy hair, from the donor site, typically located at the posterior scalp where hair density is highest.

Potential risks of hair transplant procedures include infection, scarring, and the possibility of unsatisfactory results. These risks are minimized with meticulous surgical techniques and proper post-operative care.

A Laser Hair Removal Clinic utilizes advanced laser technology to target hair follicles, inhibiting future hair growth, and delivering long-lasting hair reduction results.

Potential risks of laser hair removal include skin irritation, pigmentation changes, and the rare chance of burns or scarring, which are typically minimized with proper technique and aftercare.

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